Yew Tree Class 2023 - 2024

Welcome to Yew Tree Class

Year 3 and Year 4

Class Teacher: Miss Cotgreave

Our Learning:


English - Reading

Daily reading is a key priority in primary school and we actively encourage children to read as much as possible at home to help further develop their fluency and comprehension skills. Every child will be able to bring home a banded reading book from school. These will be assigned to children by their class teacher following a short reading assessment. These can be changed regularly in school. Every child is also encouraged to have a 'Reading for Pleasure' book.

Within our Whole Class Reading lessons, we will be exploring a variety of texts within a variety of genres. This will give children plenty of opportunities to practise their reading comprehension skills and learn about new things. 

Our class novel for this half term is 'The Last Bear' by Hannah Gold 


last bear(1).jpg

English - Writing

Our focus text for this half term is 'Blue John' by Berlie Doherty. Using our key text, the children will work towards writing an explanation text. Throughout the unit, children will work towards mastery the Mastery Keys outlined below. 

blue john(1).jpg   

Mastery Keys (Year 3)

Use past and present tenses consistently and correctly including the progressive and present perfect forms

Group related ideas into paragraphs

Build an increasing range of sentence structures

Mastery Keys (Year 4)

Build a varied and rich vocabulary

Use past and present tenses consistently and correctly including the progressive and present perfect forms

Use paragraphs to organise information and ideas around a theme




In Maths, we follow Power Maths. This allows children to develop their fluency, reasoning and problem solving skills. 

During this half term, our topics are:

-Geometry: Angles and shapes, position and direction, statistics (Year 4)

-Angles and shapes, statistics (Year 3)

Throughout the week, children are given many opportunities to practise their arithmetic skills. At the end of each Maths lesson, all children complete a 'Tough Ten' and on a Friday, all children will participate in an arithmetic lesson. 

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Our Science topic for this half term is Electricity. Throughout this unit, children will practise using a variety of scientific skills to help them learn:

-Appliances can be mains operated or battery operated

- Electricity is a form of energy that can give objects the ability to move, emit light, produce sound and heat

  • - An electrical circuit is a closed loop that allows energy to flow round to make an object work





This term, we will be exploring:

'Who was William the Conqueror and what did he do?'

This topic is a great opportunity for the children to learn about the Norman conquest of England. Children will use and intepret primary sources, such as the Bayeux tapestry learn about the events of the Battle of Hastings in 1066. Children will also consider the legacy of the Norman time period, making comparasions to their lives today.

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This term, we will be exploring:

'Where does our food come from? 


The children will be using maps and atlases to locate the countries and continents of where different foods orginate from.

Children will investigate the relationship between climate and ideal conditions for growing certain crops.

We will use food packaging from home to calculate our 'food miles'

We will design a questionnaire for field work to answer the question, 'Are our school dinners locally sourced?'


Design Technology

This half term, we will be focusing on seasonal foods. We will explore which foods are grown best in each season and will use cutting and slicing skills to produce our own seasonal dish. 




Music sessions will be delivered by Junior Jam. This half term, we will be focusing on 'Singing'.




Computing sessions will be delivered by Junior Jam.

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Our P.E. days for this half term are Monday and Thursday. Children should come to school in their kit. All kit must be clearly labelled, and appropriate footwear must be worn. Jewellery, including earrings, must not be worn during P.E. days. School hoodies and jogging bottoms can be purchased online with school uniform.



Personal Development

At St Luke's, RHE is taught using a scheme created by 'Ten:Ten'. Our topic this term is Created to love others. Rooted in the teaching that we are made in the image and likeness of God, it helps children to develop an understanding of the importance of valuing themselves as the basis for personal relationships. We will also be using MyHappyMind to help the children learn about emotions and how to self-regulate. 

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Google Classrooms – St Mark's CofE Primary School

Homework will be set on Google Classroom. 


Useful websites to support home learning: 

We encourage all pupils to access these websites on a weekly (and sometimes daily) basis. 

Please see below for our long term overviews.



Messages will mainly be sent using School Spider; please turn on notifications for the app so that you are alerted to new messages/emails. I am always happy to discuss any worries, concerns or general queries you may have. Please feel free to send an email or make an appointment through the school office.


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Following in the footsteps of Jesus, we learn, love and laugh together

Get in Touch:

St Luke's Catholic Primary School

The Willows, Frodsham, Cheshire, WA6 7QP

Miss Eileen Murtagh

Tel: 01244 259999


St Luke's Catholic Primary School

The Willows, Frodsham, Cheshire, WA6 7QP

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